This 2022 Bering Strait Community Needs Assessment describes and analyzes strengths, challenges, and needs among communities in the Kawerak Service Area. The report includes:

  • Regional socioeconomics, demographics, health, housing, and infrastructure
  • A profile of education, from early care and learning to post-secondary
  • A regional cost of living analysis
  • COVID-19 pandemic impacts
  • An assessment of child care needs, availability, and infrastructure
  • Findings from a regional household survey on community needs, strengths, and
  • challenges, as well as COVID-19 impacts
  • Results from interviews with residents in all Kawerak Service Area communities

Kawerak partnered with McKinley Research Group, an Alaska research firm, to survey households in the Kawerak Service Area. The survey was designed to identify community strengths, challenges, and needs, as well as individual household needs. Impacts of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic were also assessed.

The survey, open for completion from October 19 through December 9, was conducted via mail and online. To incentivize survey completion, all respondents could enter a prize drawing and in total, 534 surveys were completed.

In the report summary, top regional strengths, challenges, and needs are revealed. For more detail, the survey results are also available. Data from the surveys and the report will be used to inform Kawerak strategic planning, services, and programs. Thank you to all the survey participants who took the time to respond to our questions. Your feedback is very valuable when planning our goals and direction to support the region!