Date: Wednesday, 17 December 12:30 - 2:00 pm
Location: Foothill E room on the second floor of the San Francisco Marriott Marquis

The Sea Ice Prediction Network (SIPN) held an open meeting on Wednesday, 17 December during the 2014 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall meetings.

The meeting was led by Cecilia Bitz and Muyin Wang and focused on issues related to predicting sea ice with methods that are sensitive to initial conditions. Specifically, the goal of this meeting was to set up a common protocol for experiments to test sensitivity to initial conditions in sea ice forecasts of summer 2015 and to discuss metrics that are responsive to stakeholder needs. This was an open meeting, and all SIPN and Sea Ice Outlook participants who use initial conditions in a model were invited. There were 34 members of the community in attendance. The presentation and summary notes are below.

SIPN 2014 Modeling Meeting Presentation on 17 December (PDF - 1.2 MB)

SIPN 2014 Modeling Meeting Notes (PDF - 66 KB)

SIPN 2014 Modeling Meeting Poster A SIPN poster, "Arctic Sea Ice Predictability and the Sea Ice Prediction Network" (Helen Wiggins and Julienne Stroeve) was presented on Thursday, 18 December as part of Session C43-0393. See the poster abstract here.

SIPN 2014 Modeling Meeting Poster (PDF - 690 KB)

For other sea ice-related events at AGU, see the list of presentations compiled here.

Meeting Organizers

Sea Ice Prediction Network Leadership Team

Cecilia Bitz, University of Washington
Julienne Stroeve, National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)
Walt Meier, NASA - Goddard
Edward Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, University of Washington
Muyin Wang, NOAA/University of Washington
Hajo Eicken, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Jim Overland, NOAA/University of Washington
Jenny Hutchings, Oregon State University
Larry Hamilton, University of New Hampshire
Adrienne Tivy, National Research Council of Canada
Philip Jones, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Elizabeth Hunke, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Helen Wiggins, ARCUS