
In November 2009 Randall Zarnke traveled to the community of Cordova, Alaska to share his wealth of information on trapping safety and the effects of diseases and parasites on population ecology of wildlife species. While in Cordova he visited a Boy Scout Troop to show them how various traps and snares operate. They also viewed a film called, "Sharing Alaska's Trails." Zarnke interviewed a local Cordova elder about his experiences with hunting, trapping, and fishing in coastal Alaska. Cordova's Hunter Safety Class, which is a class of K–12 students and their parents, also met with Mr. Zarnke to talk about a parasite found in moose meat. Mr. Zarnke spoke to the general public as part of the Cordova Community Science Public Lecture Series to discuss correct operation of traps and snares, how to reduce conflicts between trappers and pleasure trail users, and how students could pursue careers in science. His last visit was with the head librarian who is also the head of the local historical society; they discussed the history of fox farming in Prince William Sound. As an extension of his visit, Zarnke also plans to be a guest on the public radio affiliate to discuss parasites and diseases in Alaskan wildlife.

Zarnke received his Ph.D. in Veterinary Science and Wildlife Ecology in 1978 from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His research focused on latent viruses in snowshoe hares. He also received his M.Sc. from the same university. Through the Wildlife Society, Zarnke became a Certified Wildlife Biologist in 1981. He is a member of the Wildlife Disease Association and a member of the Speakers' Bureau for the Alaska Trapper's Association.