

Both Kaplan and Lee traveled from Alaska to Iqaluit, Nunavut, Canada, to present at the IPSSAA 2003 Seminar (International Ph.D. School for Studies of Arctic Societies). Both speakers are experts in the fields of research considered to be of central importance to arctic societies, the first in language and culture and the second, in material culture, art, and ethnohistory.

Larry Kaplan presented on "Inuit Snow Terms: how many or what does it mean?" He also had extensive meetings with Inuktitut teachers at the Nunavut Arctic College, as well as with the NAC president and local community members. He was also interviewed by CBC reporter, Patricia Bell.

Molly Lee presented two lectures at the IPSSAS and met with numerous students and Faculty. She also met with staff from the Iqaluit Museum to discuss the art of baleen basket making and a workshop for the museum and college. She also met with local artists to discuss marketing art on the Internet.